Art by Earl Norem

The Artists of Sword & Sorcery: Earl Norem (1923-2015)

Photo by Ray Falcoa

Earl Norem began his career as an illustrator after serving in World War II. He was incredibly prolific, doing work for men’s magazines, trading cards, book covers, magazines and comic books, role-playing games and eventoy companies. His paintings breathe action and heroic tension, making him a natural for the 48 Savage Sword of Conan covers (which he did some of the best). He preferred to work in acrylics.

Masters of the Universe

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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Savage Sword of Conan

The early covers for Savage Sword are his best. They have a freshness that reminds me of the best of the James Bama Doc Savage covers. As time went on the posing isn’t as new and a little of the Masters of the Universe-ness creeps me. It is interesting to look at the other artists doing SSOC covers. Bob Larkin’s first images could be taken for Norems. Earl obviously, along with Boris Vallejo, set the bar for worthy covers.

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A classic bestseller!

5 Comments Posted

  1. Yep, Earl was one of the best! I actually surprised myself though last year, when I compiled my Top 10 SSOC covers – and he ended up holding 6 spots, could easily have been 7. I would not have said his name if asked who my favorite was prior to that, so I’m glad I made the list.

  2. Great post! Big fan and friend of Earl! I own many of the original pencils that brought the color paintings to life! Earl was so under-appreciated and such an incredible person, friend and artist!

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