Art by H. W. Wesso

Arthur J. Burks – Part 6: 1932

If you missed the last one…

Art by Edd Cartier for The Shadow

1932 saw Ned Pines Thrilling magazines as a strong market for Burks. Thrilling Detective and Thrilling Adventures replace many of the aviation Pulps that are dwindling. Only seven of his sales are for airplane mags. Having served in the tropics as a Marine, Burks is well equipped with jungle experience for adventure stories. His having written detective fiction since 1924, allows him to write in that genre again. He sells his first detective story to The Shadow, a back-up tale called “Faith of the Lawless”.

Sadly, Burks hasn’t tried to write any Science Fiction for other magazines. We get a two-parter for Astounding but it will be 1936 before other SF Pulps like Thrilling Wonder Stories come on the market. Since only Harry Bates is paying 2 cents a word, why write for that skin-flint Hugo Gernsback at Wonder Stories? T. O’Conor Sloane at Amazing Stories might pay but AJB would be lucky to get 1 cent a word. Weird Tales even grimmer. There is no economic incentive to pen more brain operations or spaceships at this time. What will really make Burks a dyed-in-the-wool SF writer is 1934’s Cosmos experiment. Until then, we must wait…


Artist unknown

“The Dagger of Death” (Thrilling Detective, January 1932)

Art by H. W. Wesso

“The Mind Master” (Astounding Stories, January February 1932) For Science Fiction, he wrote a sequel to “Manape the Mighty”. This one is set in the city not the jungle. For his title he reversed Edgar Rice Burroughs “Mastermind of Mars”. For more on “The Mind Master” go here.


Artist unknown
Art by Stookie Allen

“The Cowled Cobra” (Thrilling Detective, February 1932)

Art by Gerard Delano

“Peter Quals, Leader of Samurai” (Soldiers of Fortune, February 1932)


Artist unknown
Art by Harold S. DeLay

“Aztec Gold” (Thrilling Adventures, March 1932)


Artist unknown

“Faith of the Lawless” (The Shadow, April 1932)

Art by Frank Tinsley

“He Who Flew Alone” (Sky Birds, April 1932)

Art by George Rozen

“Rendezvous” (War Aces, April 1932)

Artist unknown

“The Weight Maker” (Sport Story, April 25, 1932)


Artist unknown

“Matchless Gentleman” (Sport Story, May 25, 1932)

Artist unknown

“The Yellow Hand” (Thrilling Detective, May June July 1932)


Artist unknown

“The Golden Glover” (Sport Story, June 25-July 25, 192)

Art by Frank Tinsley

“The Spy Who Died” (Sky Birds, June 1932)

Art by William Reusswig

“Squealer’s Pay” (Gang World, June 1932)


Art by Eugene M. Frandzen

“Dark Angel” (Sky Fighters, July 1932)

Art by George Rozen

“High Boomerang” (War Aces, July 1932)

Artist unknown

“Steel-Fisted” (Gang World, July 1932)


Art by Paul J. Bissell

“Borrowed Time” (Flying Aces, August 1932)

Artist unknown

“Men of Steel” (Top-Notch, August 15, 1932)

Art by Feg Murray

“Those Terrible Towheads” (Sport Story, August 25, 1932)


Artist unknown

“Bare Fists” (Thrilling Adventures, October 1932)

Artist unknown

“Champion’s Heart” (Sport Story, October 25, 1932)

Art by Eugene M. Frandzen

“The Curse of the Eighth” (Sky Fighters, October 1932)

Artist unknown

“The Iron Leatherneck” (Top-Notch, October 1, 1932)

Artist unknown

“Shuffle-shoes” (Top-Notch, October 1932)


Artist unknown

“The Bats of Bataan” (Thrilling Adventures, November 1932)


Artist unknown

“Black Dragon” (Thrilling Adventures, December 1932)

On to 1933…


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