Art by M. D. Jackson

Coming Soon: Swords of Fire 3

Now that the cover is done, I think it is a good time to let readers know about Swords of Fire 3. M. D. Jackson has outdone himself yet again with this amazing image.

Art by M. D. Jackson

The book contains four novellas like the previous two volumes:

“The Rise of the Bane-Blood” by G. W. Thomas

“The Eye of Sirama” by M. D. Jackson

“The Brides of Drigoona” by Will Parker

“The Fall of the Golden City” by Jack Mackenzie

The lady with the glowing blue sword on the cover is Malis from “The Rise of the Bane-Blood”. The fellow carrying the other woman is Bradik the Slayer from “The Eye of Sirama”. “The Brides of Drigoona” has a more nautical feel as well as some William Hope Hodgson style baddies. “The Fall of the Golden City” is a new Sirtago & Poet story from Jack Mackenzie’s popular series. It is almost a short novel!

The previous bestselling books:

Click on the covers to BUY

The final edit is underway and four illustrations are being drawn for the book. Should come out in August along with MONSTER.

Art by M. D. Jackson
Art by G. W. Thomas

This is the first nonfiction book taken from the Dark Worlds Quarterly blog. It features pieces on vampires, slime monsters, alien spacebats and gorilla monsters in the Pulps. I chose the title simply because it is the one theme that all my favorite genres and stories have in common.

We’ve said it before but ifyou need to hear it again: NO AI here!

August is the month for new books!


#4 now in paperback!
A stunning first novel!
A classic bestseller!