Art by A. R. Tilburne

Link: The Eyes of the Panther: A Weird Tales Mystery

The Jules de Grandins, the Conans, the Edmond Hamilton blockbusters were always prominently placed at the beginning of any issue of Weird Tales. Lurking in the last pages are the filler; stuff by also-rans who supplied regular, if not spectacular stories. It is interesting what you will find buried in these forgotten pages. Amongst them are to be found the first stories. Sometimes these initial sales prove to be a wonderful find like Tennessee Williams’ “The Vengeance of Nitocris” (August 1928) under his real name of Thomas Lanier Williams. More often, they are obscure stories by authors nobody remembers. The one-offs. Writers who penned a single outing, were able to sell it to Farnsworth Wright or Dorothy McWraith, then disappeared into the dust of the past. “Off the Map” by Rex Dolphin in the final issue (July 1954) is one such tale that has been reprinted several times. But most never see the light of day again.

Art by Boris Dolgov

An example of such a forgotten tale is “The Eyes of the Panther” by Kuke Nichols (September 1942). Nichols is a complete mystery. Is this person a man or woman? Was the name a pseudonym, meant to sound like “kooky”? A little joke like Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Normal Bean? Nobody knows. Kuke wrote this one story and it is all we have to go by. Let the detective work begin…


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