Sneak Peek: The Masterless Assassin

Here’s a sneak peek at the second book in the Tinariwen of Astinda series by T. Neil Thomas.

In the second book, after the vanquishing of an evil plant magician, Tin and the Assassin’s Guild have tried to move onto life in the vineyard. On their trip to Rigo and their new wine-making operations, they are attacked by the Lightseekers. These priests control fire and try to subjugate the populace with terror. Things get really bad, after they burn the Guild Building and the Lightseekers acquire a dracon.

But Tin, Lenara, Kino and the others have a new acquaintance, too. Sandra looks like a dirty turnip-selling teen but she is actually a natural magician. Anyone, mage, assassin or dracon, who tries to hurt Sandra is in for a surprise. She is the latest ally in a war than pits assassin against fanatic. The three hundred year old Tin is there to tell you all about it with humor and action.

Another hilarious romp in a land of magic and valor. (I would have said Sword & Sorcery but Kino would have made fun of that “Sword”. Assassins only use daggers!) This book should be on sale next week!

If you haven’t read the first one, check it out HERE. Jack Mackenzie said of it: “…a rollicking adventure that moves at a breakneck pace.”

All the art on this page is by M. D. Jackson

Other Sword& Sorcery books from RAGE machine

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