Art by Margaret Brundage

The Ghostbreakers: Dr. John Dale

Art by M. D. Jackson

This post begins: Dr. John Dale was a two story ghostbreaker from Weird Tales. The author was the unlikely Edmond Hamilton, who had made his career on alien invasions and space opera. He wrote the two stories under the Hugh Davidson pseudonym, perhaps because he was worried about poaching on Seabury Quinn’s territory. E. Hoffman Price certainly found this with his Peter D’Artois tales earlier in 1926. The pseudonym didn’t fool long-time readers of the magazine. “Hugh” had appeared earlier with “Vampire Village” (November 1932) and the inclusion of another vampire in the first tale may be because of this. “The Vampire Master”, a short novel appeared a year later.

If you’d like to read the rest, please check out Monster: From the Pages of Dark Worlds Quarterly.