2001: A Space Odyssey is 50 years old.

Released on this day in 1968, Stanley Kubrick’s Science Fiction Masterpiece confounded audiences and displeased the critics. 50 years later it is recognized as a game-changing moment in cinema history.

To mark its 50th anniversary, Warner Bros.’will present a theatrical re-release of the film. Releasing in select theaters on May 18th, the reissue is an “unrestored” 70mm print “struck from new printing elements made from the original camera negative,” according to a studio statement.

“This is a true photochemical film recreation. There are no digital tricks, remastered effects, or revisionist edits.” That means the movie will be presented in a way that’s as close to Kubrick’s original vision as possible.

This new 70mm print will make its debut at Cannes Film Festival with an introduction from Christopher Nolan. The director called the chance to introduce one of his favorite works of cinema in “all its analog glory… an honor and a privilege.”

A fully restored version of 2001 will also be available on DVD and Blu-ray later this year.

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