Art by Greg Ruhl

Link: Anne of Green Horrors

I suppose it’s a national disgrace to admit you haven’t read Lucy Maud Montgomery when you are a Canuck. (My mother was a big fan, but didn’t pass it on to me.) If there is any room for forgiveness, it’s that LMG was an Atlantic Canadian, while I am a true-born Westerner. (I have this odd theory that Ontario and onward doesn’t really exist. You simply fall off the edge of Manitoba.)

Art by Vincent Napoli

Imagine my surprise when I stumbled onto Weird Tales, August 1935, with its Doctor Satan cover, and hiding amongst the Paul Ernst, Seabury Quinn and Clark Ashton Smith is a little story called “The House Party at Smoky Island” by LM Montgomery. It turns out that LMG wrote quite a few of these “horror” stories, enough to fill a book, Among the Shadows: Tales from the Darker Side (1990), nineteen tales in all. But only one appeared in the Unique Magazine.

Read the rest:


Occult Noir and Mythos meet!
The classic Mythos collection!