Art by Neal Adams

Link: Careful What You Wish For…

I was recently ruminating with my cousin about how our kids, now all in their twenties, don’t want the legacies we have gathered. Legacies? Millions of dollars? No, but millions of words. I’m talking about “The Collection,” a mass of speculative fiction and comics going back to the 1970s. Sure, you can eBay it, but what we always thought we’d do with it was pass it along to our kids.

Art by Gil Kane and Dave Cockrum

Only thing is… they don’t want it.

It’s hard to believe. They don’t want boxes and boxes of treasures: gems like copies of Crypt of Cthulhu, complete runs of Dragon magazine, Erbdom, Doctor Who videos (the early stuff before Christopher Eccleston), Gold Key Star Trek comics, paperbacks by Silverberg, Goulart, Chalker, and on and on.

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