Art by Robert A. Graef

Link: The Feud That Never Was

I was enjoying Bob Powell’s Complete Cave Girl (Dark Horse) and something in the editorials got me thinking. Why didn’t Edgar Rice Burroughs sue when Sheena, Queen of the Jungle appeared for the first time in the US in 1938? For that matter, why didn’t he sue any of the many jungle king and queens over the years.

Art by Bob Powell

Edgar Rice Burroughs created Tarzan in 1912. ERB had the jungle king business all to himself until 1926 when “Roy Rockwood” wrote the juvenile novel, Bomba the Jungle Boy. Did Burroughs sue? Nope. 1927, Otis Adelbert Kline writes the first Pulp Tarzan clone, Call of the Savage (aka Jan of the Jungle) and Tam, Son of the Tiger in 1931. That year we also got CT Stoneman’s Kaspa the Lion Man. 1932: Kwa. The flood gates are creaking opening. 1934: Sorak. 1935: Hawk of the Wilderness. 1936: Ka-Zar… and finally Sheena. And then things really explode. Everybody had to have a jungle king or queen.

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