Art by Frank R. Paul

Link: The Gernsback Continuum

I know its cheeky to speak ill of the successful. They are after all… successful. But I can’t help it. “The Gernsback Continuum” by William Gibson begs me to be cheeky. And suggest an… improvement. Let’s back up for a moment.

Art by Angus McKie

William Gibson, a fellow Canadian, has been big since the early 1980s. My first encounter with him was “Johnny Mnemonic” in Omni (May 1981), later made into a film with Keanu Reeves. Gibson is best remembered for Neuromancer (1984), the quintessential Cyber-Punk novel, which I still haven’t gotten around to reading yet. “The Gernsback Continuum,” according to editor Terry Carr (in Universe 11 (1981) was his second story to be published.

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