Art by Jesse Santos

Link: Tragg and the Sky Gods

I want to read all the old Gold Key original comics. Titles like Tales of Sword and Sorcery, Solar, Man of the Atom, and Magnus, Robot Fighter conjure up feelings inside me that are hard for anyone born before 1960 and after 1980 to understand.  Unless you grew up in the ’70s and remember all those comic book covers by Jessie Santos, Richard Powers, and others calling to you, you just won’t get it. I never got to read many of them until now. Sure, they were twenty-five cents, sitting there in the wire rack, but I was a kid and a quarter wasn’t easy to find. (And Marvel and DC always came first.) Later I saw copies in bags, two a piece, in stores like Woolco and Woolworths (two establishments as dead and gone as Gold Key). I have no idea what they sold for, but I didn’t buy any of those either. But occasionally, I came across a copy somewhere. Just a taste…

Art by Jesse Santos

The contents were never as good as those covers, but it still remains a dream of mine to read all the old titles, especially those written by Donald F Glut. His books were always the best because he genuinely liked the science fiction, fantasy, and horror genres. I’m starting my journey with Tragg and the Sky Gods. This is a very appropriate title to begin with since the idea that inspired it could only have come from that decade. Erich von Daniken’s Chariot of the Gods? (1968) inspired a good part of the ’70s love of Bigfoot, the occult, UFOs, and other fringe beliefs. It was in to be out. Far out!

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