Space Opera

Art by Earle K. Bergey

Space Opera is a generic term for adventure Science Fiction that was originally coined by Wilson Tucker. It was not meant to be a compliment. Today this would include Star Trek and Star Wars as the most obvious examples in media. Both shows feature aspects familiar to the Pulp audiences of the 1930-1950s. The John Hansen stories of Sewell Peaslee Wright feel like Star Trek. The drinking establishments of C. L. Moore’s Spaceways are immediately familiar to fans of Star Wars. The sub-genre dates back to at least 1901’s A Honeymoon in Space by George Griffith, an English writer, but you can make the case that Space Opera is an American invention. I have included interplanetary romance, ala Edgar Rice Burroughs, material here too. Also check out Masters of Pulp Science Fiction. For our take on Space Opera, go here.


The Aliens of Gerry Carlyle, Interplanetary Huntress

The Aliens of Penton & Blake

Alien Space Bats!

Alien Space Bats & Science Fiction Vampires

Allen Steele Talks Captain Future

The Amazing Adventures of Buster Crabbe

Astro-Adventures: A Blaster From the Past

Avon’s Space Detective

Before Star Trek There Was Pulp

Beyond the Farthest Star: The Comic

Beyond the Vortex

Big Brain Aliens

Buck Rogers, The First Space Hero

Buck Rogers: The Golden, Silver and Bronze Age Comics

Bullard of the Space Patrol

Bumheads! Big Brain Aliens: A Gallery

Captain Future – An Overview

The Castaways of Space

Charlton’s Space 1999: The Comic Book

Charlton’s Space 1999: The Magazine

Charlton’s Space Western

Chris Kl-99: Space Adventurer

Condemned to the Prison Planet

Cosmic Carson: The Early Jack Kirby

Cracking the Colour Code of Mars

The Creatures of Neil R. Jones Part 1

The Creatures of Neil R. Jones Part 2

The Dead Planet

Debt’s Honor by Jack Mackenzie

The Derelicts of Space

Edmond Hamilton’s Interstellar Patrol

Empire of Evil: Space Opera Duo

Espers in Space: Edmond Hamilton’s Legion of Lazarus

The Exiles of Space

Fero, Planetary Detective

First Issues: Amazing Stories, April 1926

Flash Gordon: The Golden, Silver and Bronze Age Comics

Forgotten Comics: Space Voyagers

Frank Belknap Long’s Solar System

Fredric Brown’s “Arena”

Gallileo Seven and Edmond Hamilton

A Free Gear Crew Story

The Gear Crew by Jack Mackenzie

Get Off My World

The Ghost Of Mars

Growing Up Star Trek

Guns Drawn! Space Westerns

Hand-Held Thunder: the History of he Blaster

Hawk Carse

Home Is the Hunter

The Homo Sol Trilogy of Isaac Asimov

How Bug-Eyed Was Your Monster?

Hugo Gernsback’s Interplanetary Content 1931-1932

Hugo Gernsback’s Monsters From Wonder Stories

Hugo Gernsback’s Monsters From Wonder Stories II

Ice Planets

The Interplanetary Graveyard: The Sargasso of Space

Interplanetary Graveyard of Comics

John Carter and the Robots of Mars

John Hanson of the Space Patrol

John Wyndham’s Planet Plane and The Sleepers of Mars

Kenton of Star Patrol

Knight’s Science Fiction of the 1930s

Lance Lewis, Space Detective

Lars of Mars

The Legion of Space: Lest We Forget

Llana of Gathol 1: The City of the Mummies

Llana of Gathol 2: Black Pirates of Mars

Llana of Gathol 3: The Yellow Men of Mars

Llana of Gathol 4: The Invisible Men of Mars

The Lost Cities of Mars

Lost in Space is Found – Again!

Marc Scott Zicree of Space Command

The Martian Riding Beast & Other Forms of Transportation

The Mastermind of Mars

The Master Minds of Mars by C. H. Claudy

Military Science Fiction of The Books With the BFGs

The Monsters of Jack Williamson’s “The Moon Era”

Monsters of the Space Legion

Moon Laughs: Comedians in Space

Moon Maids

O Green Man: The Visual History of the Thark Part 1

O Green Man: The Visual History of the Thark Part 2

Omha Abides

Planet Comics Swipes

Planet Stories: Swimming Against the Tide

The Prowler in the Wastelands: Vincent and Van Vogt

Ray Bradbury in Planet Stories

Retro Review: 4-3-2-1 Mission Stardust

Retro Review: Starcrash

Science Fiction Odyssey

Scott Rand in the World of Time

SF Commentary: The Expanse

SF Commentary: Star Trek

Slave Ships From Space

The Space Heroes of Planet Comics

Space Invaders!

Space Opera From the Big Four: Cube From Space

Space Opera From the Big Four: The Raider of the Spaceways

Space Opera From the Big Four: The World With a Thousand Moons

Space Operas You Might Have Missed I

Space Pirates!

Space Pirates in the Golden Age

Space Pirates in the Silver Age

The Spaceship as Character

A Star Trek For Everyone

Stranded on a Fearsome Planet: Two Novels of Survival

The Strange Moon Saga of Edgar Rice Burroughs

Swords of Mars: A Gallery

Tara, Outlaw of the Universe

Tweenies of Venus: The Early Isaac Asimov

Unknown Worlds of Science Fiction

Valerian: Spatio Temporal Agent

Vampires From Space

V. E. Thiessen & Leigh Brackett Mystery

The Visual History of the Banth

Welcome to the Human Zoo

What the %&*# is Perry Rhodan?

When Planets Clashed: War in Space

Whispers of Ice and Sand by G. W. Thomas

Winged Humans

Zarnak: Forgotten Forerunner