Swords of Mars: A Gallery

Edgar Rice Burroughs remains a popular author after a hundred years for many good reasons. First off, is the sheer imagination of his storytelling. This includes everything from alien cultures and landscapes, to strange and dangerous creatures. Secondly, there is plenty of action. The sword fight is a central image in the gallery of Barsoomian history. There is a reason why John Carter was a retired cavalry officer and not a librarian.

Many artists have painted and sketched the swordplay between contestants for life and death on the Red Planet. These include some perennial favorites such as J. Allen st. John, Frank Frazetta, Roy G. Krenkel, Michael Whelan, Gil Kane and Joe Jusko. The 2012 film gave us some new images and may have inspired a whole new generation of fans. (Maybe not.) Here are some my favorites:

Art by Frank Schoonover
Art by J. Allen St. John
Art by J. Allen St. John
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Art by Roy G. Krenkel
Art by Roy Carnon
Art by Roy Carnon
Art by Frank Frazetta
Art by Frank Frazetta
Art by Gino D’Achille
Art by Reed Crandall
Art by Reed Crandall
Art by Richard Corben
Art by Gil Kane and Dave Cockrum
Art by Gil Kane and Rudy Nebres
Art by Frank Miller and Bob Wiacek
Art by Michael Whelan
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Art by Tom Yeates
Justin Sweet’s movie story boards
From the 2012 film John Carter of Mars
Art by Joe Jusko
Art by Ken Kelly
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Art by Mark Zug

The art for the kickstarter for a John Carter role-playing game. Art by Bjorn Barends.


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