Ten Little Known Ghostbreaker Facts

10. Peter Blatty’s The Exorcist started out as the idea for a ghostbreaker novel: “I set out to write a supernatural detective story…” Blatty said.

9. Johnny Depp has played more ghostbreakers on film than any other actor: Ichabod Crane in The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (1999), Dean Corso in The Ninth Gate (2000), Professor Abberline in From Hell (2001), and all in a three year span.

8. Only one ghostbreaking team has their own pasta: the Scooby-Doo Gang.

7. The longest running ghostbreaker on TV is Doctor Who, who had 26 seasons before a break and another 12 seasons, but this depends on whether you consider Doctor Who a ghostbreaker. Certainly during the Earthbound Pertwee years…

Art by Joe Shuster

6. The men who created Superman, Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster, also created the sub-genre of supernatural sleuth comics with “Dr. Occult” in 1935, making him 3 years older than Sup.

5. Scooby-Doo got his name when Fred Silverman heard Frank Sinatra sing…”Scooby-Doody-Doo…”

Art by Henry Justie Ford

4. The very first ghostbreaking character was Athenodorus that pliny the Elder wrote about in a letter in the 1st Century BC.

3. The film version of The Monster Undying (1942) completely removes the ghostbreaking Luda Bartendale. Known as the White Witch, Luda prefers “The Super-sensitive”, as an English psychic who helps families in trouble with the supernatural.

Art by Virgil Finlay

2. Jules de Grandin and Doctor Trowbridge’s famous portraits by Vigil Finlay were cribbed from ads for a constipation medicine.

1. Ghost Busters‘ creator, Dan Ackeroyd’s great-grandfather was a Spiritualist in Eastern Ontario, Canada. This family history helped inspire the movie and the TV show Psi Factor (1996-2000).

How many did you know?


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