Photos by D. Thomas

The Central Alberta Fanfest on August 19, 2023

I miss that shirt!


Artist unknown

I will be speaking at the Central Alberta Fanfest on August 19th at 1:45 PM. This is in Ponoka, AB. My topic is “Alberta Connections to Pulps and Comics”. You may be surprised how many I found. When you say “Alberta” you get images of rolling wheat fields, oil rigs or people dying in blizzards. Not Pulp magazines unless it has a picture of a Mountie on the cover. Well, I can assure you, there is more.

Here’s a teaser… what does this issue of Weird Tales have to do with Alberta? Lovecraft in Canada? No, he traveled to Quebec but never out West. Seabury Quinn, Otis Adelbert Kline, Paul Anderson…. You work on that and I will try to find some pictures of me with sasquatches that aren’t ten years old.

Art by R. M. Mally

If you can make it to the talk, please wait around after so I can talk with you. If not, I will update you on it after the event.

Art by M. D. Jackson